I just found that the security system on facebook was not too strong. It was when I opened facebook on laptop and then I change to the othe rcomputer and trying to login using my own account which has already been running on my latop. Actually I could log on and browsing and etc. The bad thing was as I came back to my laptop, my facebook window which still open was not logging out. IT was supposed to be logged out since I have opened it on the other computers. So this system could run in so many computers, meaning that everyone can use the same username and password at the same time.
Just flashing back to couple of times ago when I was still in University struggling with the coding stuff (I am a very worse IT graduates anyway :p) who just made me thinking that the security of facebook (esp. the cookies system on this application) is not too good nowadays, it was not like this before. Before, anytime we logged into another computer, it will be automatically logged of on the other computer, but why now its downgraded?!?!?
Hehe sometimes I am still thinking the things behind the screen, why this aplication could be like this could be like that, like the acquisition system which I used in my daily work (yup Maxwell and IDEAL). Since the first time I knew IDEAL, the first thing came into my mind is hmmm what was the algorithm behind? how to make this software, what the coding system look like behind... I knew that I am one of dummies IT graduates by sumtimes its just slightly came into my mind. OK then, Facebook, lets see ur improvement.
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